Venue rental

Are you looking for a practical venue in Amsterdam West to rehearse for a performance, organize a presentation or a workshop, or a meeting? Our light and spacious venue is located near the A10 ring road and within walking distance of Sloterdijk station, so it is easy to reach by public transport.

Over 300 m2 of flexible space
ZID has a multifunctional theatre venue of 250 m² with an adjacent foyer of 70 m². The room has professional equipment in terms of light, sound, video projection, and a dance floor and mirrors. A maximum of 100 visitors may be flexibly seated (the options are: stage and audience, a café-like set-up with tables, or an empty space). The space is very flexible and has already been used by the theatre and dance companies (Orkater, Don’t Hit Mama, Theater Frascati); local initiatives (Buurtparticipatie), courses (HVA), social organisations (Women’s Centre Doenja), Imagine IC/Kosmopolis and Stadsdeel West. Through a collaboration with our neighbours, an additional light and pleasant studio of 80 m² is also available for rental.

The space is available per day or half day. For information and reservation please send an email to:

We’d love to welcome you!

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