GREEN E.Th.I.Cs is a European Social and Community Theatre project developed by 18 partners in 12 countries. It implements cultural initiatives of civic engagement to create climate change awareness and foster citizens’ critical thinking and proactivity with respect to the European Green Deal, through performing arts.
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The project develops and brings to 110 Eu cities innovative formats. The project will implement 110 LIVE Game performances, 1200 BOARD Game activities in schools, 10 capacity buildings and 30 artistic workshops for communities, 8 capacity buildings for culture professionals, exchange among 12 young visual artists, 12 conferences, 1 scientific publication and 1 photobook and the involvement of 100 professionals and over 45.000 citizens (mainly from disadvantaged groups in suburban areas). The project duration 4 years.
In het kader van het Green E.Th.I.Cs project zijn er protocollen opgesteld met als doel de duurzaamheid van culturele organisaties te bevorderen, groenere praktijken aan te moedigen en positieve verandering te inspireren. Vindt deze hier:
Green Protocol voor management culturele organisaties
Green Protocol voor culturele evenementen